
Oct. 18, 2022

One philosophy that I believe works for all human is feedback. In itself, it might seem bogus statement but I will tell you how you can judge solution and become more creative using this pholisophy.

But of background. This was initially implanted after watching bret victor’s talk on inventing on principle. And the idea that stayed with me is that for humans to invent, we need to faster iteration and faster feedback. Faster feedback encourages more experimentations and more experimentation leads to innovation. You can predict the grow of an industry by the time it takes to run an experiment. This connected with me through my learning while doing data science. Most of the innovation happened when experimentation was quick. And you can run the tests for all testable space. This was the only way. Predicting based on pholosophy rather than hunch.

This is even more became certain after I read Nassim Taleb where he talks about humans need to tweak things and that most innovation happend through trial and error rather than some predictive calculation. I recalled that all the very smart people I knew were very curious and tweaky, they would tweak about things and keep doing trial and error till they satisfied their curiosity.

I feel so inpired after reading Derek Siver’s blog. I feel I want to be sort of like him. Very clear about the philosophy of life. interested in lot of things. Something I think I am only interested in showing that I am interested in lot of things.

For the purpose of getting better in career, I feel I should get better at writing and speaking. Communication is extremely important and improves all facets of life.

There are specific goals for doing better in my career. I think I need more control over my emotions. I wanted to dress better..

And there is huge desire to have mulitple creative outlets. I want get better at playing guitar. I wasnt to get better at photography I want to get better at lyrics writing. I want to learn Beat boxing. essentially many of these are to be more socializing at the parties.

I want to improve my muscles and body build. Some of this is related to dressing up well. And to look good. Looking good improves your mating changes and desirabilty.

I want to be execelent in finance. I like to appear smart and well informed. I think I am growing up nicely. There are certainly improvement, which I am proud of. But its not dramtic increase.

There is desire to do something remarkable. Become really big. I count my achievement shorts because I think I will have to become really big. Although I understand, becoming extremely successfull is largely a matter of luck. But becoming good enough to be successfull is in my hand,

I also want to do comedy. I want to write jokes. I want to be funny. When you are not very attractive, being funny is the only viable option. How to be a genuinely funny (while being intelligent?). I dont think so my sense of humor is for everyone. They are dark, they are silly but certainly not for everyone